Brown Lomolino Biogeografia Pdf Files

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Brown Lomolino Biogeografia Pdf FilesFrank Koch

Marine Biogeography and Evolution Module: EMBC+ MODULE 1: Understanding the structure and function of Marine Biodiversity Number of ECTS credits: 6 Semester: 2 Institute: Lecturer(s): • Key words: Marine, biogeography, phylogeography, evolution, paleo-oceans Course Objectives: This course will examine the basic concepts of evolution and biogeography as they relate to the marine realm. It will focus on the application of methods used to study evolution and biogeography and will draw on a wide range of evidence from molecular data, through distribution records, the fossil record and life history traits to larval duration to explain biodiversity in the marine environment. It will review several case histories to demonstrate the role of historical events in determining distributions of marine taxa and contrast this with the role of ecological factors in maintaining marine populations. The History of Biogeography (the science of biogeography, phylosophy and basic principles and approaches, pivotal biogeographers, examples of contemporary biogeography) 2. Phylogeography - models of speciation, phylogenetic inference, molecular clock, hostorical demography. Paleogeography - dating events, geological time scales, continental drift, evolution of ocean basins (Tethys, Atlantic, Mediterranean), paleoclimates, past sea levels.

Island biogeography, relevance for conservation. Case studies: the Atlantic/Mediterranean divide; North Atlantic phylogeography, coastal species, estuarine species; open ocean species and deep-sea species. Initial competences: Basic knowledge of population genetics and evolution. Final competences: Understanding the methods used to study the phylogeography marine organisms. Evaluation factors influencing speciation and distribution patterns. Knowledge of the main geological event that shaped the planet and that influenced volume and bathymetry of main water bodies. Knowledge of the evolutionary history, distribution patterns, speciation patterns of a differentmarine organisms.

Teaching methods: •Dedicated webpage (with all relevant information: chronogram of lectures, with all materials available beforehand: both class presentations and reading materials will be available as pdf files. •Audio-visual subject presentation, with open discussion in class. Lectures will be mixed with discussions of assigned readings from the primary literature to stimulate critical thinking about the various topics.

•Tutorials available online and presented as study guides. •Computer lab classes with exercises available beforehand. Group discussion encouraged. Time indication of teaching methods: •Lectures: 15 hours •Seminars: 7.5 hours •Computer labs: 21 hours •Field work: 0 hours (*) (*) depending on decisions regarding allocations of funds for a field trip to Sagres.

Learning material: PDF files of powerpoint presentations summarizing the oral lectures will be available through the dedicated web page. Several papers are provided as well as reading materials. Examination: Written examination with open questions.

Reading: Avise JC (1994) Molecular markers, natural history and evolution Chapman and Hall, London. Avise JC (1998) The history and purview of phylogeography: a personal reflection. Molecular Ecology, 7, 371-379.

Avise JC (2000) Phylogeography: the history and formation of species Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachussets. Lomolino MV, Riddle BR, Brown JH (2006) Biogeography, 3rd edn. Page RDM, Holmes EC (1998) Molecular Evolution: a phylogenetic approach Blackwell Science, Oxford.