Free Download Windows Xp Tablet Pc Edition 2005 Iso

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Free Download Windows Xp Tablet Pc Edition 2005 Iso Average ratng: 3,8/5 7206votes
Free Download Windows Xp Tablet Pc Edition 2005 Iso

Aug 11, 2009 Experts Exchange >Questions >Where to find OEM XP Tablet Edition ISO. Windows and download the tablet. From Microsoft: When it is installed on the English version of the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 operating system, users or administrators can switch the user interface (including menus, dialog boxes, Help files, and tutorials) from one language to any of the 20 supported languages.

Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 adds handwriting recognition and stylus input to the code base. The updated tablet PC-based operating system helps users navigate through Windows, enter URLs, fill in digital forms, and draw images with a stylus--but it stops short of offering a radical new approach to using tablets with a streamlined interface; for example, you still have to double-tap to launch programs. Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 does include subtle improvements on previous versions of the tablet OS, though, such as integration with Office 2003 and enhanced handwriting recognition. Overall, the OS does a good job of integrating stylus input into the operating system, and if you want tablets around your office, Tablet PC Edition 2005 is the only game in town.

Users of the original version of the tablet OS can upgrade for free at the, and all new tablet PCs ship with Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005. We tested the OS on a. After booting, a setup wizard walks you through getting started in a process similar to that of XP Home and Pro. A 34-page print booklet (included) explains the basics of activating and configuring the OS, with a good Q&A section and handy setup tips in the margins--but we would have appreciated some screenshots to accompany the more complicated tasks. An interactive 'Get going with Tablet PC' tour explains how to navigate menus with the pen and how to use the Input Panel to enter text.

You can follow additional links to online tutorials that explain the included applications and how to improve character recognition, annotate files, and use the speech engine. All told, the company does a credible job of explaining how Tablet 2005 works and providing tips for making the most of the pen. In about five minutes, we were jotting notes, marking up documents, and scribbling away with the stylus. The look and feel of the interface is pure XP, with the Start button in the lower-corner, a task tray along the bottom, and major icons spread across the screen.

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Navigating menus with the stylus is about the same as with a good-quality mouse, though Tablet PC Edition 2005 sometimes misses attempted double-clicks. Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 may look the same as the Pro version, but it adds stylus functionality to the OS. The big difference with this version of XP is the Input Panel, which lets you use the pen to enter text into any application.

You can choose among three input modes: the Writing Pad offers a notepadlike straight line to write on naturally; the segmented Character Pad lets you enter letters into individual spaces for more accuracy; and when all else fails, an onscreen keyboard allows hunt-and-peck typing with the stylus. Enter the string of text, tap Insert, and your handwriting is converted to text at the cursor point in the current program. With buttons for backspace, delete, tab, enter, and space, the Input Panel is a good way to quickly enter URLs, filenames, and passwords, and you'll probably be able to dash off a quick e-mail or two.

The Character Pad has individual spaces for each letter for more accurate handwriting recognition. Using the handwriting recognition software still isn't close to the accuracy and speed of typing, however, especially when composing long documents. Working with Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 over the course of two weeks, we recorded an 85 percent recognition rate, or roughly between two and three mistakes in the typical sentence. The good news is that you can correct mistakes quickly and even train the computer to better recognize your writing. But those who failed penmanship in elementary school will have to write slowly and carefully, or their words will be misinterpreted. Mistakes happen, and Tablet PC Edition 2005 lets you make corrections on the fly.

While all Windows XP applications work with Tablet PC Edition 2005, the number of programs designed specifically for tablets is relatively slim. Most notable is Windows Journal, which comes with the OS and offers the digital equivalent of pencil and paper. Journal entries can be as simple as doodles or as complex as full reports. Program De Scris Pentru Copii Jocuri there. The program's search feature can find keywords even in handwritten text, making the Journal ideal for keeping a record of projects and meetings. You can also share notes as TIFF images or files.