Mutant Egregore Reality Hacking Wargame Download Free Software

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Mutant Egregore Reality Hacking Wargame Download Free Software

Mr.Razz wrote:So is freddy mercury our queen? I dont get it but the symbolism in the video mindfucked me Well my guess would be that the people behind the project mayhem site have been in touch with a lot of artists, graphic designers, filmakers, musicians etc and they have agreed to seed their work with images/symbolism that references what is contained in least that seems to be what is being discussed in the dox I posted here yesterday.that or it's just another cool coincidance.or magick?

For PROJECT MAYHEM 2012. Project Mayhem 2012 is a Mutant Egregor Reality-Hacking Wargame. Reality Hacking is any phenomenon which EMERGES from the nonviolent use of legally ambiguous digital tools in pursuit of politically, socially or culturally subversive ends. An Egregor (also 'Egregore') is. Project Mayhem 2012 is a Mutant Egregor Reality-Hacking Wargame. Reality Hacking is any phenomenon which EMERGES from the nonviolent use of legally ambiguous digital tools in pursuit of politically, socially or culturally subversive ends. An Egregor (also 'Egregore') is an occult concept representing a 'thoughtform'.

Ooh wow i think your right about the connections, and remember art is magic k also i just finished reading that article on brain hacking and NLP from Phrack. It was mindblowing to say the least. DUKEofYORK wrote: Can you help a hapless fool.Can you explain in simple english the gist of this idea or enlightened thought? I apologise for my ignorance, I just ask for a simple explaination for a simple kind of man. I'm afraid not Duke I'm just bumbling along like a hapless fool myself.but maybe that could be the path to enlightenment (whatever that may be).who knows? But as for myself I try to remember not to believe my own bullshit or other peoples bullshit and I think that leaves your mind open to recieve new ideas.I learned that mega bullshit years ago. Drum Kits Fl Studio Free Download.

DUKEofYORK wrote: Can you help a hapless fool.Can you explain in simple english the gist of this idea or enlightened thought? I apologise for my ignorance, I just ask for a simple explaination for a simple kind of man. If however the above question is with regards to what projectmayhem2012 is. This is currently my understanding. I am thinking the aim of the website and all the reference material in the source code maybe designed to 'hack brains' with art, not too dissimilar to adbusting, subvertising or culture jamming. The desired effect would be to re-programme people in a way (or at least introduce them to something other then television programming).

The purpose for this they claim is that for societal revolution to occur an inner revolution must first occur in the individual. IN PM2012's own words. Please do not let the word 'mayhem' frighten you. We considered the possibility that the idea be misunderstood with this name. Yet, at the same time, it plays with a powerful emotional response aimed at arising one what is in our opinion of the strongest means to 'hack' the human brain: curiosity.

Machines are usually hacked via 'interlink bugs', while humans are usually hacked via 'limbic system' bugs, if you allow us the metaphore. This curiosity leads to attention. And this takes us to the next phase in the project: Art. You will see that it's not just a technical article but more like a 'mind virus'. As Julian says, 'people need to show COURAGE, not just technology. In a way, technology is often just a cipher to get people to drop their existing understandings, which are based on illusory fears. Microsoft Office Communicator Portable Download.

Illusory fear is enough for control.' We have thought intensely about this as well, as we truly believe that a social revolution that seriously aims at hacking the society and all of its systems at the global scale cannot take place unless a personal inner (r)evolution has taken place first. Or as they quote Joeseph Beuys.

We honestly believe that this project and cryptography have the potential to completely turn upside down the role of citizen journalism in our society while helping to dramatically improve Justice and Freedom in the World. I think through the art, music, films, philosphy, science, mathematics, magick, political theory referenced in the source code and 'The Game' we are playing here the creators of PM2012 are hoping to make the idea of inner revolution go viral and to instill in the public the courage to carry out their 'dangerous Idea No.1'.as they say. We see Artists as the pioneers of new realms of Consciousness: in our mind there's NO difference whatsoever between an Artist that breaks boundaries and a hacker, a scientist or a philosopher like yourself who pushes the systems to their limits and way beyond what is seen as 'possible'. We see Art as hijacked by the market: in every human being sleeps an artist waiting to arise. Project Mayhem aims to bring out the Artist in all of us as a way to breed the Courage needed to pursue our Freedom in the wider realms.