National Priority Programs Afghanistan
• • Details Category: Hits: 4796 1.b What are the National Priority Programs (NPPs)? National Priority Programs refer to a set of 22 priority programs announced at the Kabul Conference of 2010. While ANDS provides an overall strategy, the NPPs represent a prioritization and further focusing of the ANDS including specific deliverables and costings.
In addition, there are over 10 NPPs that existed before and continue to operate, such as the National Solidarity Program. The new NPPs are currently being finalized and will significantly advance the ability of Government to direct resources into areas that will have the greatest national impact. Hotel Booking Php Software Creation.
Afghanistan’s Urban National Priority Program reaches an important milestone By Lynne.Karago on Kabul, 02 June 2016 – “Making cities the drivers of economic development” captures the importance of urbanization in the National Unity Government’s reform programme for Afghanistan during the country’s transformation. The Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund has been the largest single source of external on-budget financing that supports Afghanistan’s National Priority Programs, government operating costs and salaries, as well as.
Prioritizes, Practical and Focused Approaches for National Development Strategy The Kabul Process which started with HE the President Islamic Republic of Afghanistan speech in London conference in 2010, was the starting point for transferring civilian and military responsibilities from the international partners to the afghan government and civil society organizations in the following five sections: Peace reconciliation, Security, Good governance, Economic development, Regional and global cooperation. All these five sections are also included in the Afghan National Development Strategy. Importance: indeed the national priority programs represents a new commitment in afghan national development strategy frame work and their aims are to empower the afghans and afghan institutions for better service delivery, creating jobs, sustainable development of economic, incomes, protect afghan citizens’ right, government and NGO’s and sustainable peace. The first impression of this program which introduced for the first time in Kabul conference for defining “Kabul process” was useful, and represents a milestone for the people of Afghanistan and international partners. Unlike previous programs that were prepared in large scale and were implemented by our international partners. At the moment the government of Afghanistan, international partners, civil society and private sector made the transition of ownership process.