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NeuroShell Trader and NeuroShell Day Trader charts can contain multiple chart pages, each of which references a different security. Chart pages allow you to view and trade your trading systems across many securities at the same time. Indicators, trading strategies and neural network predictions added to the chart are individually backtested, optimized and applied across all of the securities at the same time. If you add and remove chart pages on the fly, NeuroShell Trader will automatically backtest and optimize the added securities. If you have a set of favorite indicators but don't have a set of profitable trading rules, the pattern recognition of an artificial neural network may be the solution. Neural networks analyze your favorite indicators, recognize multi-dimensional patterns too complex to visualize, predict and forecast market movements and then generate trading signals based upon those patterns, predictions and forecasts. With NeuroShell Trader's proprietary fast training 'Turboprop 2' neural network algorithm you no longer need to be a neural network expert.
Inserting a neural network trading system is as easy as inserting an indicator. 'I own Neuroshell Day Trader Power User plus four of the add-on modules. I have used Neuroshell Trader to create several robust trading systems based on complicated setups and analysis. Charley Wilcoxon 150 Rudimental Solos Pdf To Excel on this page. Because of Neuroshell’s ease of use you quickly go from learning how to use the product to creating your trading strategies. It is the most intuitive trading system I have used and offers a substantial number of available indicators.
I willingly admit that Neuroshell’s limitations are my capabilities as a trader. A creative mind will thrive using this amazing system and I absolutely depend on it.'
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