Radiation Dosimetry Attix Ebook
Lectures on Radiation Dosimetry Physics: A Deeper Look into the Foundations of Clinical Protocols Author: Michael W. Kissick and Sharareh Fakhraei ISBN: 927 Published: November 2016 156 pp Softcover Price: $ 50.00 Qty: Description Read a for a sampling of the contents in this new edition! This book covers essential physics concepts for understanding and calculating problems in the physical energy deposited in matter from ionizing radiation. The focus of application is on medical uses, both imaging and radiation therapy. There is more weight on radiation therapy throughout the book because of the much greater need for accuracy and precision in that field. Modern protocols can guide a person toward uncertainties of only 0.5% in the energy deposited per unit mass, the dose.
In order to achieve this remarkably low level of uncertainty, one must fully understand all of the subtleties along the way. That is the purpose of this book. The aim of this work is to provide a deep understanding of all the pieces that underlie these practical protocols, and not to teach one how to use these protocols. It should be of interest to those who already have a basic education in this field, but who wish to expand and deepen their knowledge without all of the overhead of a large textbook. The information contained herein provides a more intuitive grasp of the physics concepts used in radiation dosimetry in medical applications, especially, but not limited to, radiation therapy physics.
A new, comprehensively updated edition of the acclaimed textbook by F.H. Attix (Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry) taking into account the substantial developments in dosimetry since its first edition. This monograph covers charged and uncharged particle interactions at a level consistent with. A straightforward presentation of the broad concepts underlying radiological physics and radiation dosimetry for the graduate-level student. Covers photon and neutron attenuation, radiation and charged particle equilibrium, interactions of photons and charged particles with matter, radiotherapy dosimetry,. Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry has 21 ratings and 0 reviews. A straightforward presentation of the broad concepts underlyin. Radiation Dosimetry, Second Edition, VOLUME III: Sources, Fields, Measurements, and Applications covers the significant aspects of radiation dosimetry. The book discusses dosimetry relating to x rays and teleisotope gamma rays, discrete and distributed alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ray sources, electron beams, and heavy charged particle beams.
This book is based on course notes from Medical Physics 501, a quite famous course in the Medical Physics Department of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. All of this material derives very heavily from Frank “Herb” Attix, the course’s original instructor.
It also benefited from Thomas Rockwell Mackie, the course’s second instructor, who innovated by more properly organizing the material. This work also draws upon many others, including Paul DeLuca and others in the University of Wisconsin–Madison medical physics and human oncology departments. Old Malayalam Movie Songs there. Also helpful were many of the faculty of the nuclear engineering departments of both Pennsylvania State University and the University of Wisconsin–Madison. This book is also available as an.