Truetime 56000 Manual Arts
Symmetricom’s 56000 is a versatile Data Rate Clock (DRC) and Distribution System supporting an extensive variety of input references, oscillators, output frequencies, input/output interface styles, powerful network based management tools, and complete power supply plans. The modular architecture supports various clock rates and frequencies required in today’s sophisticated communications applications. The 56000 backplane can accept 1, or 10 MHz; IRIG B time code; and any TTL signal from DC to 10Mbps. Multiple redundant external frequency references can be applied to a hitless switch (passive combiner) located on each frequency synthesizer circuit card. The hitless switch provides a glitch-free transition from one input source to another, ensuring reliable and disturbance-free outputs, even in the event of failure of one of the input sources.
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The frequency reference inputs can be replaced or enhanced by an on-board oscillator circuit card or an on-board GPS timing receiver. The oscillators are disciplined to either the input frequency or GPS. Using the oscillators in combination with external reference inputs provides various levels of redundancy. The oscillators also add holdover capability so that uninterrupted operation is maintained in the event of total failure of the reference input(s). Model 56000 outputs can include distributed or generated clock signals, frequencies, Network Time Protocol, and IRIG B time code. N.1 clock rate generation from 1Hz to 25MPPS in 1PPS steps is available in addition to N.8 clock rate generation from 8 KPPS to 8.192 MPPS in 8KPPS steps. Presonus Orchestral Collection Keygenguru. Also available is a Telecommunications Interface that provides a variety of outputs and alarms common in today’s telecommunications applications.
Gurmeet Choudhary Ramayan Serial Episodes. The chassis is configured with front and rear plug-in cards. The front panel plug-in circuit cards perform the modular rate generation and distribution functions and are hot swappable. The rear panel interfaces are also implemented using plug-in cards with a wide variety of connector types and styles. ©2007 Symmetricom.